KNN vs. XGBoost Rivalry: Women Employment in Management

Finding a high-profile job position has been very hard for women especially those living in countries with few opportunities for related acquires. This problem can be stemmed from many reasons like contextual factors and accessibility dimensions. This article will examine females’ high-profile job positions rate in the working environment worldwide from the aforementioned perspective. IContinue reading “KNN vs. XGBoost Rivalry: Women Employment in Management”

Causal Effect of Approval of ETF for Bitcoin on the Prices

As known, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) made a historic decision for the cryptocurrency markets on January 10, approving spot Bitcoin ETF applications. What we are going to do is examine the effect of this decision on the prices after the approval. To do this, we will use the CausalImpact package from Google.Continue reading “Causal Effect of Approval of ETF for Bitcoin on the Prices”

Homicide Rates from Gender Perspective: Analysis using Radar Chart and Bootstrap Intervals

The violence in the regions is essential to indicate the peace and security reached by the countries. Fortunately, the global homicide rate has been decreasing while it is slowly. But as for men, the situation does not look so bright. The global homicide rate per 100.000 people is about four times higher for men whenContinue reading “Homicide Rates from Gender Perspective: Analysis using Radar Chart and Bootstrap Intervals”

Understanding Methane Emissions Through Heatmap and Comparison of Many Models

It is a little-known fact that methane is more dangerous than carbon dioxide when it comes to global warming; it would harm the atmosphere about 80 times more than CO2. In this article, we will take a look at this situation across regions. First, we examine the methane rates with a heatmap. As you canContinue reading “Understanding Methane Emissions Through Heatmap and Comparison of Many Models”

Bar Chart for the WBL Index and Modeling with Quantile Regression using Random Forest

As we enter the new year, women still seem not to have equal rights compared to men in the working environment. This situation is more prominent in the developing and least developed countries. This article will examine that using the WBL (women, business, and law) index. First, we will create a plot comparing WBL scoresContinue reading “Bar Chart for the WBL Index and Modeling with Quantile Regression using Random Forest”

Comparing many Models with Fast Regression

The banking sector has risen since the passing of the orthodox economic policies in Turkey. This article will analyze and model an exchange-traded fund tracking the Turkish banking index for projection for the upcoming year. The anomaly plot of the fund prices confirms that shifting the policies has recently moved the fund values to aContinue reading “Comparing many Models with Fast Regression”

Time Series Analysis and Understanding a Eurobond Fund with Prophet

The Eurobonds are so popular in Turkey nowadays. The reason for this is that the CDS of Turkey fell for quite a while since the new economic outlook began, according to the economists. We will look into the factors that shape this trend in this article. First, we build our data set with the componentsContinue reading “Time Series Analysis and Understanding a Eurobond Fund with Prophet”

Fund Forecasting: Comparing Prophet, ETS, and ARIMA using Bagging

We will try to decide on a fund that is based on the agriculture and food sector indexes for investing. The majority of the fund is based on the Indxx Global Agriculture Net Total Return USD Index. We will take First Trust Indxx Global Agriculture ETF (FTAG) as a reference for this because it fullyContinue reading “Fund Forecasting: Comparing Prophet, ETS, and ARIMA using Bagging”

Forecasting Freddie Mac with the DeepAR Algorithm

Mortgage rates have been the highest in the US over the last 20 years. Inventory shortage and high inflation have driven home prices up. I have analyzed this situation by taking FMCC as an indicator of the American housing market. I’ve examined the distribution of Freddie Mac(FMCC) before and after the mortgage crisis period. WhileContinue reading “Forecasting Freddie Mac with the DeepAR Algorithm”

Time Series Forecasting by Comparing Many Models: EUR/TRY Rates

The Turkish central bank president has changed, and she has started to execute new economic policies. Regarding that, the Turkish Lira-related currency rates have risen. Therefore, I wonder how the Euro to Turkish lira exchange rates will look by the end of the year. While we will model the exchange rates, we will benefit fromContinue reading “Time Series Forecasting by Comparing Many Models: EUR/TRY Rates”